Smara Lungu

Director of Strategy, Marketing and Corporate Relations, Docapost

Smara Lungu has 17 years of experience within the La Poste Group. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and Paris 1 Sorbonne and a Master’s degree in Geomatics, Geodecisional, Geomarketing and Multimedia. She joined the La Poste Group in 2005. Passionate about territories, digital technology, societal issues and projects with a strong public interest dimension, she is an adept of co-construction and responsible dialogue. She has mostly been involved in projects of transformation and implementation of the Group’s strategy. Her various experiences have enabled her to develop a thorough knowledge of local presence issues and a valuable expertise in the public sector.

Smara Lungu was Secretary General of the National Observatory for Postal Presence, Delegate for Regional Planning, and then Delegate for Territorial and Parliamentary Affairs at La Poste Group.

She joined Docaposte, a trusted third party and digital subsidiary of La Poste Group in April 2021. She is currently Director of Strategy and Institutional Relations and a member of the Executive Committee of Docaposte.