Publication 18 April 2024

Artificial intelligence: « L’humain, qui est le point de départ de tout dispositif numérique, doit rester le point d’arrivée »

An article by Jean-François LUCAS, published in Le Monde on 5 April 2024

In this article, Jean-François LUCAS denounces the references made to the humanist movement in speeches on digital technology and artificial intelligence, most recently in the report “IA : notre ambition pour la France", that the Artificial Intelligence Commission presented to Emmanuel Macron on 13 March.

For the author, while the term humanism is often synonymous in everyday language with benevolence, altruism and a concern for the common good, the use of this term by many players in the digital sector refers more to an existentialist humanism, focused on the individual, freedom of choice and personal responsibility.

However, Jean-François Lucas believes that if we claim to be concerned about “Humans”, in particular by defending a “human-centred” vision, then we have a responsibility towards them. But a responsibility on a global scale, which does not stop at the borders of the nation or the individual. He proposes that designers of AI systems should be more aware than they are at present of the social, cognitive, ethical and environmental consequences of their technical choices.

Read all about what Jean-François Lucas had to say on the subject here!

Enjoy your reading!